
The questions isn’t at what age you want to retire,  it's at what income

 Its well documented that 8/10 retirees run out of super in retirement.

Self-Funded Freedom's mission is to fix that

Our growing FAQ about investing in property can never contain all possible questions. If we haven't answered your question in the below list, then please use the form below to contact us, or call us. We'll not only give you a direct answer but we'll also add your question to our ever growing FAQ.

How much does it cost to see if I qualify?

Absolutely nothing so stop wondering if you can do this, call us & find out.  It might just be the best thing you ever did. As a general guide, to qualify your household taxable income needs to be approx $80,000 minimum. and have sufficient equity in property( we can help you figure that part out).

Do I need a deposit?

No Deposit required in most cases other than a small initial holding deposit for the property that forms part of the purchase price. Usually between $1,000-$2,000 if you have equity in property already.

Can I use my Superannuation?

Yes it is certainly possible under certain circumstances. If you currently have approx $200,000 alone or combined with up to 4 people get in touch. 

It sounds too good to be true

We hear this every day. Yep- its good  & its true. Only those that call to find out will ever really know just how good & how true and how it's even possible. Will you? 

Step 1- Call to see if you qualify

Why isn't everybody doing this?

Because most people have NO idea they can invest in property so easily and affordably until they speak with us.

It really is as good as it sounds & everyone we speak to that qualifies to do it, does do it.

Do I remain in control of the property?

Yes- You own the property and remain in control.

We have no stake in it. It's a normal bank loan & a normal property transaction.

We just guide you every step of the way & implement everything for you using our 4 step process.

What if there is no tenant?

Vacancy really isn't ever an issue in the locations we select for our clients but its a legitimate question.

1- Less rental income -More tax benefit

2- Lost Rent or damage-Landlord insurance

3- Rent Guarantee-Peace of mind

What if interest rates rise?

If these current interest rates rise they will still  be VERY low anyway.

However if any property holding costs increase such as interest rates, the tax benefits you receive also increases.

We do projections around this for peace of mind.

Is this tax saving stuff legal?

Yes-Amazing isn't it! 

More than ever the government expects you to take care of your own retirement, so we also want to tell you about available tax incentives.

Not every household in Australia can take advantage of this entitlement

However, if you are eligible, we can show you how to power boost your retirement funds just like like the very wealthy have been doing since the eighties.

Can I direct my tax into my mortgage?

We will show you how to offset your mortgage using the extra cash flow from the investment property. The Rent & Tax can help pay off your home loan faster.

Can my kids use my equity to get started ?

Property ownership is getting out of reach for most Aussies so get in touch & we will find out what is possible in your situation to help out the adult kids.

Do I have to live in QLD for you to help me?

Not at all .We are your experts on the ground in Queensland . We have all the insider knowledge of local HOT SPOTS & all the required contacts. You can relax no matter where you live in Australia whilst we do all the heavy lifting for you. We can do all meetings face to face or remotely on line and over the phone. 

Do I need investing experience?

Not at all . We have all the experience to be able to do everything for you.

Can I sell the property anytime?

Yes- Its yours to do as you please

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